Stone of Protection & Courage
Raw OR Tumbled Tiger Eye
protective & healing
- enhance focus & concentration
- promotes strength & courage
- helpful for seasonal affective disorder (SAD)
- ward off problems & relieve pain
- clears negative energy
- attracts good fortune
- builds confidence & strength, stimulates mental clarity
- promotes positive self-worth, boosts willpower
- enhances psychic abilities
Zodiac: Gemini, Capricorn, Leo
Element: Air, Fire, Earth
Chakra: Sacral, Root, Solar Plexus
How to Cleanse Tiger Eye:
- place stone in/on sea/Himalayan salt, let sit about 3 hours
- immerse stone in salt water overnight
- soak in tap/distilled water several hours (at least 4 if stone is heavily loaded)
- smudge stone with sage, other herbs or incense
- bury stone in Earth, mark spot & leave stone at least 15 days
- expose stone to direct sunlight, directly outside, no glass between stone & sun